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Based on 3253 reviews
Holy grail

I have tried just about every single natural deodorant, and have been on the hunt for the ~one~ since 2016. I have tried everything. Crystals, big name brands, small startups, local homemade stuff...everything. Every single natural deodorant that I've tried has caused really bad underarm rashes about 2 weeks into use. Until I found Super Deodorant. This stuff actually works. No smell at all, for 24 hours. No rashes. All natural. I couldn't believe it. I am now through my first tin and bought a multipack. This is it for me! I am outside all the time, and sweat a lot, and find that I barely notice it now that it doesn't smell. I can't believe it works. If you're hesitating to buy it, trust me, just do it.

A game-changer

I am an older person going through perimenopause, which, if you know nothing about it, changes hormone levels as well as many other annoying things. I noticed that my deodorant was no longer holding up and I'd have to reapply many times a day. I had begun looking for natural alternatives (because I hated supplying monopolies with so much money, not to mention their questionable products with possible cancer-causing ingredients, plus the plastic their products come in), and came across an article about deodorants (in The Guardian, I think). I decided to give Super Deodorant a try, and it has been a game-changer. I can now wear sleeveless shirts and not worry about lifting up my arms. I don't have to reapply many times a day. There isn't tons of deodorant residue under my arms. Thank you, I appreciate the ease and convenience and the wonderful results of this product.

Life changing!

I suffer from hyperhidrosis. I’ve tried every thing to try and stop my sweating - nothing worked. I’ve tried everything to cover up the stench of my sweating - nothing worked.
I work a pretty sweaty job and it’s been so embarrassing 🙈 I would carry multiple changes of shirts with me every day.
A colleague of mine tried your deodorant and she told me about how amazing it was. I was skeptical, but after 30+ years of being the sweatiest woman I know I was prepared to try anything!
I started wearing it right before a work trip to New Orleans… and it worked right away! I was sweating up a storm, but not a stink to be found!
I’ll never use anything else ever again! Thank you so much for this life changing product!

Really Super Deodorant

I’ve tried dozens of deodorants out there. Nothing has worked for more than a few days on my stinky pits! I exercise heavily, run around with kids in hot CA heat. Nothing has stood the test! I prefer natural deodorant, but have also tried others. Nothing compares! I’ve been super happy with super deodorant and I hope it continues to hold up!

Worked for menopause armpit stink

57 year old, menopause, Asian female, working in healthcare and was getting stress stink in underarms (TMI?!?). I had been using Crystal deodorant or Himalayan salt block for many years. Both stopped working when menopause began. Saw this product as FB ad. Liked that it was a small biz, Canadian company. Tried it because I didn't want any to stain my merino clothing, only use a finger pad dab on each pit, no rash, reaction or discolouration on my sensitive skin. I get my armpits waxed about 1x a month. Worked to control odour from day 1. Has not stained armpits of my merino wool Ts (I wear a T every other day or so and wash after 3-4 wears since I seem to attract splatters) after using Super Deodorant daily for 3 weeks. Tiny tins that will last me for months. Store extras in freezer and keep fridge between uses. Scooped a 1/4 teaspoon into a small contact lens sized container to keep in bathroom. Sharing a review because I was getting frustrated at being stinky at work and this has really helped solve that problem. Quick delivery via Canada Post mail. Product did not melt, despite hot weather while in transit. I would recommend Super Deodorant to family and friends!

The Super Deodorant

So far so good! I don’t wear it much but when I do it’s working

Love it! I’m finally not worried about stinking.

I only use natural drop and haven’t found one that works. I was mad when it came and the tin was so small but man does it work. I’ll be working up a major sweat in my garden and take a sniff - thinking I’ll smell - and nope. So grateful.

I like it so far

I don’t smell all day :)

Holy Grail of Deodorant

I’ve been an addicted user of clinical strength deodorants since they came out even though I knew they weren’t good for the body. Who likes to deal with the sweat and stink halfway through the day!? I bought one tin of this to try and it easily trumps all others! Going through menopause at such an early age is not fun and especially not with the added heat of Texas. Give it try! It works!

Get it! If you’ve found this product buy it!!

Best deodorant ever…. No argument. Do yourself a favor and get it now.


This stuff works like a charm. I’m amazed and so happy! After a few weeks of using as directed I am getting even longer than 24 hour coverage. Basically 48. Feeling happy!

Great product!

So far this product is working excellently. No adverse skin reactions or problems.

It really works!

So far, this is the most effective deodorant I have ever used. Even though you still sweat, where you apply this stops body odor from forming. If you sweat heavily, your clothes may smell, but your body doesn’t. I tried this when wearing a white T-shirt, and it did not stain the skin or the shirt. I highly recommend this product!

Amazing stuff!

It really works like they say it does! I use it under my arms, crotch, butt and feet. Even after two days of hiking in hot weather with no shower, this lady has no smell! Truly an amazing product. Couldn't be happier.

The best deodorant!

When I got pregnant my armpits started smelling so bad. That was 3.5 years ago. I would wash them and literally 2 minutes later I’d be stinking again. So embarrassing. I had tried so many different deodorants that just didn’t work. I even cried. So when I saw the super deodorant ad in instagram and read the ingredients. I had high hopes. And I know Canadians have some great products so I had to give it a shot. My armpit stink is gone after 1st use. I apply it every morning. It’s been a month already. So impressed and thankful.

Great product

Great customer service! Can’t wait to try the stick.

Great product, using it on my ASD child

Hi! I am a stay at home mom with kids ranging from the early twenties to an 8yo. I have an 11yo child on the autism spectrum who struggles with sensory issues. One issue we have been struggling with is controlling her BO. I've tried many of the natural deodorants available near us with limited success. I came upon your add on FB, headed to your sight and read all the reviews. I had to give it a try! Even though it shipped out of Canada it arrived to my mailbox here in sunny SE Texas in a timely manner. I used this on my child, after bathing, 5-6 dabs around each armpit and then dabbed in softly. My child was stink free for a good 4 days!! Thank you!! The amount I use every time I have placed it on my child is minimal and I know it will last a long time. Do not be deterred when seeing the tin it comes in!! I am very pleased with this purchase.

Amazing product

I was skeptical but Super Deodorant is truly super!! The day after it arrived was one of the hottest stickiest days in eastern Ontario ever. And there was no stink! At all! For the first time in a long time no matter what other kinds I tried - I was never stink-free. I biked to work, worked all day, and biked back home and it held up! This stuff is amazing. I never worry about stink anymore.


I've tried several "long-lasting," no aluminum, deodorant options lately, and this one works well for me, with just a tiny application.

The Best

I am insanely impressed with the effectiveness of this product. It just works and you only need a very small amount. I’ve been using it since May, so just over 2 months now and it just works better and better. I can go 4-5 days without an application and that is pretty darn cool. I have tried countless natural deodorants and nothing comes even close to touching this stuff. Often times I could use other deodorants for a couple weeks tops before I would start itching and having rashes and still having some odor and sweating. It didn’t matter what the base of the deodorant was, I would still have negative reactions. This deo has no odor nor do I have any. I sweat very little now which really was a nice surprise. It’s absolutely amazing stuff and worth a chance. It worked so well that I placed another order to give to my friends that have the same struggles with finding a deo that works. It seems it will last a handful of months with how little is needed.

Amazing product that really works!

I purchased Super Deodorant about a month ago and am truly amazed by its effectiveness. The reviews had said it was incredible but I had some doubts. I live in sweaty Singapore and need to shower twice (if not thrice!) a day, so finding this product actually worked through these conditions was a real surprise.
I can’t recommend this product enough!


I love Super Deoderant! I used to to have to use clinical strength deodorant. Once I became aware of how bad aluminum can be, I wanted to switch to aluminum free, but struggled to find products that actually worked, and without irritation! Super deodorant causes NO irritation and lasts all day and night!! I'm a believer!!

Fragrance-free whole body natural deodorant for sensitive skin - 25g

Wow wow WOW! 10+ stars!

LOVE this small but POWERFUL tin! Have been using another brand that is similar, but it's more expensive and much more difficult to apply. Oh! And the competition's container is half the size, and $10 more. I'm completely sold on the long lasting effectiveness of this deodorant. You only need a tiny bit,

Best Deo I’ve tried!

I was skeptical at first, but this is the best deodorant I’ve tried! It holds up during long summer hikes, intense workouts and multi-day camping (no shower for days) and there’s just no smell at all. I haven’t even finished my first tin and I already ordered a 4 pack because it’s just so good! I love that it has natural ingredients and the cute little tin makes it easy to travel with. 10 out of 10 stars!