Because of my health (kidney and liver failure) My body doesn't detox and the odor was intolerable. I couldn't stand the way I smelled. And I've tried everything. And then I saw this on Instagram and I said okay I've got to try this. The aspect of clay and silver which works in other ways I thought could maybe do something. And boy does it! It makes me so happy to apply it knowing that I won't smell, stink really, while using this. Being unhealthy is one thing, but not having to worry about people smelling your sickness is another. I am so so very grateful for this product. It lifts a weight off me, it really does. Thank you thank you thank you!
I can’t say I’ve ever used a deodorant product like this. I saw an ad on social media (well done on hooking me!) and bought a two pack. It only took one application for me to be sold because I DID NOT SMELL. An added bonus it’s great for sensitive skin areas too, and there’s no funky fragrance. Needless to say, I bought 10 more…. Thanks Super Deodorant, you’re my stink fighting hero! 🦸
It's not often I bother with reviews. Regardless of chances to enter competitions and x% off coupons etc. But every now and then you come accross a product that it something else. Super deodorant is one of them. I was interested in it after learning about what "Parfum" actually means. Lathering myself in carcinogens and Aluminium isn't my idea of a sensible body care policy. So macro silver bacteriostatic deodorant is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. I've now also added an essential oil roller for a nice scent. Meaning I'm about as healthy as I can be smelling this good. 🙂
After using stick deodorant from a company whose name rhymes with “mative,” I got weird bump lumps in my armpits. So I took the bait on a Facebook ad…
This stuff is super legit. It has a neutral smell if maybe smelling a bit like art class in elementary school (an extremely comfy smell). It actually keeps me non stinky for a full day, whether that’s riding mountain bikes or stress+coffee sweating a day at the office. Customer service was extremely responsive when my package was delayed and I got confused.
I am very happy with this purchase. I have tried every homemade deodorant recipe and natural deodorants out there, but this by far works the best. It’s a bit to get used to bc it is not scented; but there is essentially no smells— good or bad! You do only need a little bit, so it does last but I’ve only used it for a couple weeks. I use it mon-fri rather than every 3 days. I will purchase this again and again.